Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hunter Gather VS. Agriculture

There are advantages and disadvantages for both hunter-gather societies, and agricultural societies. Agriculture is growing food plants like grains, tubers, fruits, and vegetables in soil prepared and maintained for crop production. Agriculturists to do not have to be on the move for food, and have to hunt food for survival like hunter gathers do. Agricultural societies are able to maintain structure within there environments such being able to make a community and housing for their families. With everyone working together to grow there crops they are able to maintain having food all year long. I think it brought allot more knowledge to the people in that society because they were able to learn and grow with out having to worry and travel constantly.  Agriculturists surplus crop cultivation is substantial it can provided food not only for their own needs but also for those of various specialists and non producing consumers. In the early food producers they came up with several crop complexes such as adapting to dry uplands and wetlands. Hunter gathers were in small groups which was good for them because  it was easier to travel, to hunt and get there food, and easier to relocate and less people to feed at a time. Hunter gathers do not have to rely on others for there food, they do not have to wait for there crops to grow so this makes them more independent then some people who are agriculturists. Hunter gathers might not gain as much weight as agriculturists because they have to go out and hunt there food, pick their berries and are always on the move, causing them to be on there feet constantly and only having so much food at a time depending on the weather and where they are.

The disadvantages that come with being a hunter and gather is like i stated above that they are always on the go, they have to be able to carry there food which can not be enough for everyone they are trying to feed. They might experience scarce food during harsh times such as during winter. They do not have surplus of food and they can not store there food, because it might get bad, and or they are never in the same place for to long so they wont have anywhere to store the food. Hunter gathers have to travel in small groups because they have to carry what they are going to eat and at times there might not be enough to feed everyone and at times they might not be able to find food at all causing hunger and starvation to happen among them. People who only agriculture I think are not as active and healthy as the hunter gathers, they might eat more then they need to like allot of us now. They might not get enough protein like the hunter gathers would.

Hunter Gather's diet would lead to a healthier diet because they had a different variety of food because they traveled and hunted different types of animals. They could find a different range of things such as berries, and or different types of animals giving their bodies different types of nutrition. They did not eat the same things daily like the people who used agriculture.  

I think some human populations made the transition in to agriculture because I think with the populations growing and there skills with making tools advancing it was becoming more difficult to travel and hunt with larger groups of people with them. I think since they were finding out how to use different types of tools and ways to use them to hunt and grow crops they found it easier to maybe still go out and hunt if needed but to just stay in one place and use agriculture. 

The surplus attaches it self directly to trading. In an society where there is a surplus of things it allows a society to trade, sell, barter, or even keep things that they need. Or sell and trade things to other people to get the things that they need. 

One of the social benefits of trade is getting better knowledge of things we are not use to, or things we do not know about. Such as different types of tools, food, clothing, medical equipment or even housing stuff. Another benefit of trade is the connection between different societies and countries it has given us. We go to places to trade things and it opens your mind to a different place that you would have never been to before. 

I think two negative social results of the development of trade is one that it can become very competitive and it can become to much about the politics of each society with trading rather then the importance of trading it self. I think another negative result can be if one society has to relay on other society for a certain surplus and if it does not come in time it can be bad for a certain society. 

I think with agriculture there is a more stable way to get a surplus and start trading there crops. With agriculture if a society grows a certain thing that others want then that can help that society with trading things constantly. Agriculture there are allot of things they can grow and then trade. 


  1. My favorite section of your post was the description of the transition from foraging to food production. You correctly highlight that this was likely a gradual process incorporating characteristics of both subsistence methods before taking on the qualities of a full-fledged agricultural society. Too often, it is thought that this transition happened all at once and relatively quickly, which is not likely the case.

    Great post and well thought through. Nicely done.

  2. Thank you! Ya I think before reading this chapter and looking more in to these questions we were asked I might have thought a different answer but I researched more in to it before I answered the questions and I found that it did not happen all at once which at first I thought might have been the case.

  3. You brought up a good point about why hunter gather groups are small. The reason is because they need to travel around from area to area and it is much easier to travel in small sizes. It makes much more sense to me now why agricultural societies were able to grow so large, while hunter gather societies stayed small.
